Current Developments

Healthcare cost reduction using automation & modern technology.

Further developing a proprietary back-end staffing systeem, helps solve day-to-day 24/7 capacity problems. Connecting to the growing HR-pool of job seeking employees and freelancers, using smart notifications, approval feedback loops and partner Apps. Powered by The ZayCare ERP for Daycares.

Medplan is a “Smart Desk” (Internet-of-Things, IoT) project for self check-in system for patients at care locations in order to automate clinics with a desk-less set-up. This project has been submitted for approval on numerous occassions, but hasn’t been approved unfortunately.

Wearable development project for homecare tele-monitoring in collaboration with pioneer Mr. Jowan Osterlund’s “Biohax International” who has been the first in the world to tattoo 6000 people in Sweden and The UAE with a working chip for cardless payments. This Project has been discontinued, but we believe that further developing similar technology for medical diagnostic information can make life easier for chronic ill diabetes patients, other metabolic diseases as well as other specific use cases.

Collaborating with other medical industry suppliers helps cut cost on sales & marketing activities, allowing more efficient product delivery, benefiting clinics with lower pricing and therefore lower healthcare cost on the national level. We envision a content platform with pay-per-use for market access. For the existing solution please view “Outsourcing The Account Management Proces”.
