Mobile Clinics

We passionately commit ourselves to the noble pursuit of extending high-quality healthcare to the farthest corners of the African continent, embracing even the most remote and underserved communities. With a vision to bridge the gap and foster a healthier future, we tirelessly journey to the heart of communities, ensuring that no one is left without the care they deserve.

There is nothing more important than a Healthy Life

Our real care is to ensure that every individual of Africa has access to essential healthcare services. It does not matter to us where he lives or whether he is poor or rich. We aim to provide medical access for EVERYONE. 

We are Transforming Lives with Pioneering Fleet of Mobile Clinics

At Medicalbooking.NL, we are breaking barriers and reaching areas with limited or no access to medical facilities. Our dedicated medical teams travel far and wide. We bring essential healthcare services directly to those who need it most, right at their doorstep.

Our Dedicated Services

Our mobile clinics offer a wide range of medical services, including:

1. Primary Healthcare: We lead the way in providing essential medical check-ups, vaccinations, and health screenings to promote preventive care.

2. Maternal and Child Health: We ensure that mothers and children receive the care they deserve, including prenatal check-ups and postnatal support.

3. HIV/AIDS Testing and Counseling: Well known for HIV/AIDS testing, we conduct testing vital and counseling services to combat the spread of the disease.

4. Nutritional Support: We educate communities about proper nutrition and providing nutritional support for vulnerable populations.

5. Health Education and Awareness: We believe in patient focused healthcare. That is why, we raise awareness about various health issues, promoting hygiene practices, and empowering communities to make informed health decisions.

2-in-1 “The Medical Clinic & Prayer House Project”

in collaboration with Religious Organizations.

Your Generosity can Empower

Raise Your Voice, Raise Health

At Africa Mobile Clinics, we depend on the support of individuals, organizations, and philanthropists who align with our vision for a healthier Africa.

There are various ways you can support our cause:

1. Your contributions empower us to sustain crucial medical outreach efforts and extend our impact to reach even more communities in need.

2. Volunteering: Your involvement will directly shape impactful transformations in the lives of those we are dedicated to serving. Join our dedicated team to make an impact.

3. Advocacy: Advocate for increased healthcare access in Africa. Spread awareness about the importance of mobile clinics in reaching underserved populations.

It Takes Compassion for a True Health Revolution

Positive Change through Empowered Communities

Beyond medical services, we believe in empowering communities to take charge of their health and well-being. We work closely with local leaders and community members, fostering partnerships that promote sustainable health practices.

Open For Collaboration with NGO’s and NPO’s.

Write us to explore all options for collaborations: or click here to send an e-mail.

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